
Not all people from elite university are excellent. Some Japanese need to be more aware of this!

 In Japan, when someone graduates from a top-tier university, many Japanese will always have a high expectancy of great working skills on them. That mindset does not apply to me as I always believe that impotent and irresponsible people exist even if they come from a prestigious university that provides one of the best educations in Japan. And, I was right! It made me struggle and I almost had a mental breakdown due to his aftermath.  Here's the story. Let's start with a guy named Sato . I have changed the name to disguise. He is a technical specialist who has 30 years of experience in the field, he has been the head of the department, and not forget to mention, he graduated from Tokyo University. Yes, the No.1 university in Japan for a very long time, almost forever. He used to work domestically, and he decided to join overseas project in his 50s. I admire that he is willing to challenge and learn English to work abroad. Well, just in case you don't know, a large nu...

Things that you might understand when you are living long enough in Japan

    I  admire the beautiful monuments of Japan, breathtaking scenery, heartwarming locals, and the peaceful WABI-SABI culture of Japan. It is a beautiful country, I admit. I've met many friendly and heart-warming Japanese people here. However, there are always two sides of the story.       Staying in Japan for long time had taught me lots of valuable lessons (which I'm thankful for) and helped me see some of its deep culture. Here are the few hidden culture that locals won't tell you. Of course, these do not applies to all people. Yet, some of the situation I have seen is saddening. 1. Ever though many people doesn't really have much serious biases. Some of them are white-supremacy "idealist". Some people might not agree with this, but it does exists.     The reason I said about this is not just because they are selling those whitening products, those are just small fries. If you lives in Japan, you will find more WHITE MEN and JAPANESE WOMEN...

Chocolates that you have to try in Japan

1. Meiji The Chocolate 明治 ザ・チョコレート  This chocolate costs about \250 (approximately 3 US dollars).  I am now currently a member of the with cacao program. A program that was held by Meiji company themselves. They have shown us about the idea of their products, designs and the choice of tastes. New Version of The Meiji Chocolate series. Renewal on 2020. Old version of The Meiji Chocolate 2. Bourbon Alfort ブルボン アルフォート 3. Lotte Crunky ロッテ クランキー It's the fusion of chocolate and crunchy rice krispies. Boom! 4. Meiji Take No Ko No Sato / Kinoko No Yama 明治 たけのこの里・きのこの山 One the classics. I'm pretty sure that there's no Japanese who doesn't know about this chocolate.

I want to be a human again, not an object.

     As this world's technology is getting so advanced, we seem to forget how to be a human. This thought is especially strong recently. Doesn't matter whether I am in Japan or my home country, Malaysia. Especially in Japan, based on my experience, elder people are always kinder and down to earth. Yet, starting from alpha generations, many seem to be cold and immature. Maybe it is due to their young age.       The reason I thought of this, is that I went to university three years later than I should've been. The chance of meeting younger generations is more. I find some of them have mature thoughts, but many are still naive.       Japan has a culture of obeying the elder, people with seniority, or upperclassmen a.k.a. "senpai". I did not know it was that strong until I was assigned to a lab. In the first year, I joined this lab, one of my colleagues, which we call "douki(同期)" reply a pathetic answer after my doubts on senpai's decis...


 你把对方当朋友 但对方并不一定这么想 这友情快四年了 但是最终发现不过如此 虽说每个人都有不想说的时候 这可以理解,我也尊重 但是却让认识不到一年前辈知道 原来我的地位只有这样


  东京这城市 ,始于江户时代,1603年。 战国时代结束后,由德川家康发起。 至今已超过400年。 它的古味仍然弥漫着这城市。 同时它也在发展。尽管日本已是先进国。 经历了明治维新、二战、震灾,它依然亭亭玉立,光芒四射,无人不为它着迷。 虽说城市是冷漠的, 其实它也有温暖的一面,就等着我们去发掘。 -待续-


我是土生土长的吉隆玻人。    到离开吉隆玻之前,我都无法理解离乡背井的感受。   现在有点明白了。在一座冷漠又温暖的城市,残忍的同时,人情味却存在著。想尽量融入这城市,但却在抗拒,就怕会失去自我。   若回家,自己清楚 肯定无法完全可以融入自己以前的社会。  若继续待着,有些地方始终与自己不相投。  生活想要安定,却一直都不安定。  但是这种不安定,在某种意义上才是安定。  因为个人觉得,这世上 「安定」 这词不存在。   世界就是那么的奇妙。   而我现在住在东京。   -待续-